V7I1: Waterways

Revived with a NEW issue!

Worldbuilding Magazine is happy to unveil Volume 7 Issue 1: Waterways. The past few years have been tricky for all of us to navigate, each of us being swept along the waterways of life, never knowing just what falls or rapids lie ahead of us—but we’re here; we’ve persevered and we can finally look back at what we’ve overcome! Refreshed and reinvigorated, we are now proud to make the latest issue of Worldbuilding Magazine available to all. During the chaos of the pandemic, we restructured in order to keep publishing the world’s premier worldbuilding magazine, and we hope you are as excited as we are about the results. This issue includes:

  • Two in-depth articles about taking ports and rivers into account when worldbuilding, with real-world case studies as their basis.
  • Four original short stories from independent writers.
  • A collection of worldbuilding art from artists in the Worldbuilding Magazine community, including explanations of their crafts.
  • An Ask Us Anything where your questions are answered by our resident mage: Prof. Percival Aluminius Illumnius.
  • Recommendations for worldbuilding media compiled from our staff.

If you would like to learn more about how you can join the magazine and podcast team send us an email or inquire at our Discord server. We are always looking for artists, text editors (developmental or copy editors), and audio editors. If you don’t fall into any of those skill sets, but still want to help, reach out anyway! We’re a big tent and we’re definitely open to great people.

To all of our staff and contributors, thank you. To everyone reading, we hope that you enjoy this issue.

Happy worldbuilding!

— The Worldbuilding Magazine Team

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